Streamlined Investment Opportunities
An intuitive trading platform for everyone, driving success in trading from everyday investors to top financial institutions.
Copytrade our Advanced Quantitative Trading System.
Our Chrona strategy offers a distinctive, non-overlapping approach to trading, providing fresh perspectives on the FX market. Please be aware that copy-trading NeoxTradingLabs' systems outside the client partnership we establish is strictly prohibited. This constitutes a violation of our Intellectual Property, and we will pursue legal action.
A sophisticated portfolio with a winning trade quota (WTQ) that exceeds 75%. Chrona balances risk by conducting regular automated portfolio balancing amongst various forex pairs. KEY DATA Yearly performance (APY): 43.60% Monthly Average Return (MAM): 4.54% Historical max. drawdown: -15.68% Profit factor: 2.01
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I design and code beautifully simple things and i love what i do. Just simple like that!